Monday, December 23, 2013


Psalms 61:5(NIV)
For you, God, have heard my vows;you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Proverbs 3:5(NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Isaiah 55:8(NIV)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

These past few weeks have had me pondering my life.  It’s been quite the journey up to this point, an incredible journey with highs and lows.  It’s the highs that get me though the low points in life.  Not the highs as in good times, although those help during the rough patches, but it’s the highs I get looking back at God’s faithfulness to me.  A journey in technicolor, filled with the beautiful colors of life moving forward, God piecing my life together as He continues to transform me into the woman he desire me to be.

A while back, while studying the book of Hebrews, I read a commentary(Joy of Living Bible Studies, Commentary by Jean W. Randall) where she speaks of the Bible as being like a jigsaw puzzle.  Each piece, each revelation, needed to complete the story. It made me realize that is what a journey with God is like.  Each piece of my life being fit together to form the big and final picture.  When all the pieces have been put into place, my life here on this earth will be completed, God will have completed his transformation of me.  What a celebration that day will be for me when I will be reunited with Jesus.

Today though, as I look back on my life and see how some of the pieces are fitting together, I am amazed at the transformative work God is doing.  I can see spiritual growth and change.  I can even see a little bit of the bigger picture of where my life might be headed.  I believe it can be beneficial to think of our lives as pieces of a puzzle. Some days we can get so discouraged longing to be at a different place in our life journey that we miss today and all that God has done to date in our lives. We may even miss what God is doing in that particular moment. Because we live in such a fast paced world, sometimes we want that instant gratification instead of appreciating the journey. 

God is putting together the puzzle that is our lives.  Creating you and I to be whom he has called us to be.  We often don’t see the little transformations because we are looking for the “big”changes, God knows what the finished product will look like, we only get glimpses.  Maybe we need to change our perspective, to take a step back and enjoy the journey of our lives a little bit more.  

With Christmas being just two days away, I pray you will take a moment to reflect back on your life journey and jot down God’s faithfulness to you this past year.  Take some time to look for transformation within your life that hopefully was for the better.  If you don’t like what you see, why not turn to Jesus today and ask him to walk with you on this journey of life and watch your life be transformed.

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